Contact Mallacoota Honey

Looking for tips and suggestions for your next trip to Mallacoota, East Gippsland or the Australian Alps? Looking for a touring partner whether by motorbike or on foot? Interested in becoming a Warré beehive beekeeper? Or simply want to know more about organic gardening and vegetarian cooking? Then please feel welcome to contact me.

Email address

  • mallacootahoney[at]

P.S. Wir sprechen Deutsch und Englisch!

Would you like to know more about my bees, healing with honeycomb, organic gardening or superfoods, bushwalking or simply wish to join me on a motorcycle trail around Mallacoota, in Victoria or New South Wales? Then please send me an email (I speak English and German). I invite you to follow my daily adventures on my Wolfraider and Mallacoota Honey Flickr pages.