The Complexities & Joys in Sourdough Bread Making

A great article from Glinda Major for the Mallacoota U3A, The Mallacoota Mouth 1666.

On the 4th August, a group of expectant participants gathered for a demonstration of the fine art of making sourdough bread. The demonstration incorporated sound scientific principles too, understood today better than ever before.

Superfood at the U3A

Making sourdough bread is a time consuming process and that is probably why once bread was able to be produced on an industrial scale, the making of sourdough plummeted. Many readers will remember how their local baker disappeared unable to compete with mass produced bread.

Wolf making sourdough

The excited buzz at the end told its own story of enjoyment and appreciation for Gerard’s Herculean efforts on behalf of all who came. Will Mallacoota lead the way in revitalising sourdough bread making?

Who said quite falsely older folk are frightened to take on new tasks?

Different faces of sourdough

Read full article in “The Mallacoota Mouth #1666″.

  • History of Sourdough: One of the oldest sourdough breads dates from 3700 BCE and was excavated in Switzerland. The origin of sourdough fermentation likely relates to the origin of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent several thousand years earlier. Bread production relied on the use of sourdough. Source: Wikipedia_.

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